Important Dates:

Sunday 24 May 2015

'Twas the Night Before EQAO

'Twas the night before EQAO, when all through the school
Mrs. Brown’s students were keeping their cool
All EQAO bags had been prepared with care
In hope that the morning soon would be there

While the students were nestled all snug in their beds
Visions of word problems danced in their heads
Multiply choice, long and short text
The students are ready for what comes next

Our pencils are sharpened and ready to go
Now it is time to show what we know
This week of testing will not make us pout
We have our manipulatives to help us out

It is time to work quietly and try our best
Soon we will get a well-deserved rest
Bring on the reading, writing and math
We are prepared for whatever is put in our path

The tests will be collected and locked up so neat
Everyone will cheer when EQAO is complete
Soon we can celebrate and finally be loud

You have all made Mrs. Brown very proud