Important Dates:

Sunday 13 September 2020

Welcome Back!

 Welcome to Grade Three! This year is obviously different from other years but so far we are off to a great start. For now, the blog will be a general update on what is happening in our class. There are links to different sites that students can use and it will give a general outline of the learning happening in our class. Any specific or time sensitive information that needs to be communicated will be emailed to parents. In previous years, homework had been completed through the blog, but this will change this year and students will access homework through their school google accounts. Homework will not begin for a few weeks so that the students have time to learn how to access work in their school accounts. I will be sending updated passwords and log in information home. For now, homework can consist of reading every night (RAZ Kids or books of their choice) and spending time on the Zorbits math program. Zorbits and RAZ Kids can be accessed through the links on the blog or the student portal from the school website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through email or by phoning the school. Thank you for your support in your child's learning. I am looking forward to a great year!

Monday 30 March 2020


Hi everyone,
I am not sure if anyone is still following but I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of all my former students and all the school students and their families. I miss seeing everyone at school! I hope that you and your families are staying healthy and happy and adjusting to your time at home. I also wanted to mention that I have checked and updated all the links on my blog and they are all active if you wanted to use them. Instead of weekly writing homework (which I know many of my students enjoyed doing) I am going to post a weekly fun writing question which you can answer if you want! This is open to any of my former students, so don't forget to include your name. The one for this week is pretty general; let me know how you are doing and how you keep busy at home. I can't wait to read them! Take care and hope to hear from you! Mrs.Hiscoe :)