Important Dates:

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Ballet Trip Friday and Extra Socks

We have our trip to the ballet tomorrow! We will be leaving promptly at 11:40 am and returning around 2:30 pm. Students will eat lunch before leaving and will eat when we return as well. They are asked to bring a slightly larger lunch or some extra snacks so they can have plenty to eat before and after the trip. We will not be bringing food on the trip since the show runs from 12:30 to 2:00 pm.

Also, with the changing temperatures, it is a good idea to pack extra socks and mitts with your child. Thanks.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Portfolios, Bully Awareness Week, Looking for One Volunteer :)

Student portfolios went home today - with most students. Students did not receive their portfolio if they have work that is still being completed or caught up on. We have had a lot of illnesses the past two weeks! These portfolios will go home next week. :)

Please take some time to go through the work with your child and complete and sign the first page in the binder. Please return the binder, with the work still in it, anytime next week. If there are any questions, please let me know.

Next week is Bullying Awareness week and we have a number or activities in the school planned. Please take some time to discuss this important subject with your child.

Finally, we are still in need of ONE more volunteer for our Scientists in School workshop on Thursday November 22. If you have your police check and are able to volunteer on Thursday from 9:00 - 12:05, please let me know.

Thanks and have a great (snowy) weekend.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Swimming Date Change

It was wonderful to meet many parents last night, thank you for coming in! If anyone was not able to make it last night and would like a phone interview, please add a note in your child's agenda.

There has been a change to 2 dates for our second group of Swim to Survive. Students in Group B will be swimming Tues November 13th (remains the same), Friday December 7th and Friday December 14th. A note has been sent home regarding the change and it needs to be signed and returned. A new note for volunteers will be sent on Monday. Any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Swimming Reminder, 67's Game and Interviews

Group A has their final swimming session tomorrow (Tues Nov 6). Don't forget to bring your swim gear!

Also, we are attending the 67's game on Wednesday Nov 7. Students are asked to bring their lunch and snacks with them. They can also bring a water bottle. Volunteers, staff and students will leave the school by bus around 9:30 am and return for Block 4 (around 2:50 pm). If you have any questions, please let me know. It is always a fun trip.

Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thurs Nov 8 between 4 and 8 pm. Please follow the link on the school website to sign up for an interview. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to sign up. If you are not able to make it on Thursday but would like an interview, please let me know and a phone interview or meeting can be arranged for a different date.

Thanks for your continued support.