Important Dates:

Friday, 12 May 2017

Upper Canada Volunteers, EQAO testing dates

We do not have final numbers available for the trip yet so we cannot confirm our volunteer numbers. Monday we will confirm. If you did not pay online for the trip, online payment is closed. You can send cash on Monday. If you require financial assistance for this trip, please do not hesitate to let me know and arrangements will be made. Again, all volunteers are more than welcome to attend, however, you might need to pay for your ticket. If you need to know more information about volunteering before Monday (for work, etc.) please email me at and I will get back to you over the weekend.

EQAO testing dates: our plan is to test the afternoons of May 25, 26, 29 and 30th. As well as the afternoons of June 1st and 2nd. Catch up days, if required for individual students, are June 3 and June 6. If possible, please avoid booking appointments etc. during these dates. Thank you for your understanding. If there are any questions please contact me at school.

Thanks, have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, 8 May 2017

EQAO and Upper Canada Volunteers

Our Upper Canada trip is coming up next week and I want to thank everyone who has volunteered to join us so far! We receive a certain number of free passes for volunteers and those will be chosen randomly (names in a hat). IF your name is not picked, you are still more than welcome to join us that day but you will need to pay for your admission. We will be sorting out our numbers on Thursday once all forms have been returned and drawing volunteer names then. I will send notes home in agendas on Friday May12th regarding volunteers. Thank you again for your support.

EQAO is also fast approaching. Math review pages were sent home last week and will continue to be sent home as homework for the time being. The language writing homework is on hold for now, as I prefer the students to be reviewing math concepts at this time. Reading should continue, but if you are finding the math to be overly time consuming then please just focus on that.

EQAO spans over 2 weeks but we do not test everyday. Once our dates are confirmed we will send that information home, it will be soon. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Open House and Portfolios

Just a reminder that our Open House and Muffin Breakfast are tomorrow, starting at 8:30. Parents are welcome to mingle in the gym anytime after 8:30, until 9:20. The Open House will be from 9:20 - 10:35 when you can tour the school with your child. Please remember that students are welcome on the yard, or in the classroom (if it is raining) at 9:05.
Our class will be displaying their science experiment and explanatory writing to go with it. Portfolios will also be on their desk and they will be able to take them home Tuesday. Please take some time to go through their latest work and ask them lots of questions!
Also, we have our trip to the Polish festival on Wednesday afternoon. Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather. We will be indoors, but will have to walk from the bus to the building.
If there are any questions, please let me know.
Thanks and I am looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow!