Important Dates:

Friday, 19 September 2014

Terry Fox Run/Walk!

We are excited to announce that our annual Terry Fox walk/run will be on Friday September 26th from 2:50PM-3:10PM. You will be receiving additional materials regarding collection of donations. If you are interested in volunteering to monitor our students safety during the walk, please send in a note with your child stating: Your name, your child's name and grade, and a phone number. Prior to the event the organizers, Christina Deslauriers and Ariel Séguin, will be contacting you with the details. If you do not receive a call we thank you for putting your name forward to support this event, however your assistance is not required at this time. You are still welcome to attend the event and walk with your child. Please ensure you have signed in at the office beforehand. Thank you for your support! 
I would also like to thank all the volunteers who attended the Richmond Fair today! The students had a great time and we could not have done it without you! 

Monday, 15 September 2014

The Learning Commons

Our Learning Commons is now open! Our time slot will be every Tuesday during 3rd block. The students are welcome to check out one book each week and are expected to return the book in the same condition the following Tuesday. We are very excited to meet with Mrs. Doro tomorrow and to check out our first round of books. Please remember that Richmond Fair permission slips are due back Wednesday. I look forward to seeing many of you at the parent information night!  If there are questions about anything, please use the agenda or contact me at the school. Thanks.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Our class had a wonderful first week at school! The students are quickly getting back into the swing of things and have been doing a great job! Homework was sent home today and should be returned next Monday. Our homework will always focus on the main ideas and concepts we have been learning and covering in class. Parents are  encouraged to explore these ideas with their child, and can help out where needed.  If there are questions about anything, please use the agenda or contact me at the school. Thanks.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back! This is our class blog!  It will be regularly updated with information on what is happening in our classroom and what is upcoming in the class and school.  If you wish to subscribe, you can enter your email. You will then be notified, by email, when new important information is posted. If you do not wish to sign up your email, you can check the blog at any time through the link on the St. Philip website. If you have any questions or concerns, regarding the blog - or anything else - please contact me through the agenda, or by calling the school. I will not be able to receive emails or comments through the blog.  Thank you for your support and I hope you check in often!